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outdoor / HOUSEWARE

Pastool makeru soft container S

We have released a new outdoor brand called 'Pastool'.

■Portable soft container size S
We have released a new outdoor brand called 'Pastool'.
'Pastool' is a term that has been created from the terms 'Pastime' and 'Tool'.
The logo is a squirrel whose tail represents a flame.
We have developed Pastool to make your outdoor activities easier and more fun!
The stylish and functional designs of our Pastool series will make your next camping trip more enjoyable.
This portable soft container is light and easy to carry on the go.
It comes in 2 sizes, small(S) size and medium(M).

¥ 4950 (Tax included)
JAN code 4969133907838

Package size

Product size
38×27×25cm(without handle)

Material Outside: cotton, Inside and handle: polyester
Country of origin China
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